Harnessing innovation & evidence for impact at scale
OPHID Incubators are the engine of policy and programme innovations and evidence we have become known for by partners, donors and health systems stakeholders, and contribute to the local and international evidence-base.
Incubators are research and pilot programs implemented in OPHID-supported regions at a smaller scale that develop and test cutting-edge solutions to public health and development problems.

Co-creation with affected communities are the heart of OPHID incubators.
We work with individuals, households and frontline health workers to develop solutions that have sustained impact on health and development.

Our incubator projects have resulted in over 10 productive collaborations with academic, private philanthropic and bi-lateral donors to test, refine and scale innovations that have impacted national policies and programs and changed the lives of millions.
Check out some of our past and present incubator projects and the evidence and impact they have generated:
Non-Communicable Disease Screening and Treatment (Sanofi)
Cost-Effectiveness of Preventing AIDS Complications (CEPAC) Collaboration (Harvard/MGH)
Social Protection Interventions for PLHIV and TB in Zimbabwe (SPRinTZ) (UCSF)
Zimbabwe Substance Use and Alcohol Screening Validation (Z-SUAV) (University of Washington)
Youth Boost Digital Application Decision Aide (Avert)
Multimorbidity and Learning Health Systems: Optimising Data-to-Action (KnowM and OptiMul) (LSHTM and THRU-ZIM)
Private Sector Pharmacy Engagement to Prevent HIV (Triple P) (USAID)
Genital Inflammation Test (GIFT) for HIV Prevention
Mbereko+Men Women’s empowerment groups for maternal and child health (Burnet Institute/DFAT)
Zvatinoda (what we want!) for youth sexual and reproductive health (LSHTM)
Maximising benefit and minimising the harm of COVID-19 control measures on child and women's health in four Sub-Saharan African countries (Queen Mary’s University)