TASQC: Target, Accelerate and Sustain Quality Care for HIV Epidemic Control
In October 2020, OPHID secured a new 5-year 90 million dollar PEPFAR/USAID funded program to support Zimbabwe’s national HIV program to reach and maintain HIV epidemic control: Target, Accelerate and Sustain Quality Care (TASQC) for HIV epidemic control.
The Goal of the TASQC program is to contribute to the achievement and sustainability of HIV epidemic control in Zimbabwe through the provision of technical, financial, and material support towards the management, coordination and provision of comprehensive clinical and community-based care services within the national HIV program.
Together with sub-partners, JF Kapnek and the Zimbabwe Network of People Living with HIV (ZNNP+), the TASQC program sees an exciting expansion of OPHID HIV programming to include both community- and facility-based programming in the geographic areas it serves.
Program Coverage:
- 4 Provinces (Matabeleland South, Bulawayo, Chitungwiza, Masvingo)
- 15 districts
- 322 health facilities and their surrounding communities

Strategic objectives of the TASQC program (2020-2025) are to:
- Provide technical and financial assistance to project staff in the AIDS and TB unit and facilitate ongoing coordination of the national level HIV response
- Provide site-level technical assistance and direct service delivery to ensure comprehensive implementation of national guidelines, procedures, and other standards of practice at service delivery points to maintain and improve quality of services provided at health facilities.
- Ensure the roll-out and routine implementation of continuous quality improvement (cQI) principles within supported health care facilities and districts
- Ensure timely collection, utilisation, and reporting of relevant program data by maximising the use of existing paper-based and electronic monitoring systems, including (ePMS, DHIS2, and EHR)
- Promote public-private partnership that contribute to the building of MOHCC facility, district, and provincial level capacity to deliver innovative, technology-driven, evidence-based and results oriented HIV clinical services.
Key Achievements
Developing and Disseminating Evidence for Action
The TASQC program contributes to the larger body of knowledge for public health action by developing and presenting findings from program evaluations and deep dives at local, regional and international meetings and scientific conferences. In 2023 alone, the TASQC program had a total of accepted 26 abstracts across 5 National, regional and International conferences. To better understand emerging programmatic issues the program successfully conducted 23 deep dives.

Incubating Innovation for Public Health Action
OPHID works with academic collaborators, private sector and philanthropic organisations to embed incubator projects within large scale programs like TASQC. Once establishing evidence to improve systems, programming and most importantly, the lives and wellbeing of individuals and families, these innovations are then rapidly taken to scale to impact hundreds of thousands of households. This unique model of ‘’Evidence to Action” not only drives OPHID’s performance to do better to improve lives, but is recognised by government through OPHID innovations becoming standard of care for all Zimbabweans, by donors through adoption and dissemination of our best practices among other implementing partners, and by peer-reviewed scientific bodies through conference and journal articles and awards.
Most recently, OPHID’s digital and strategic information innovations were recognised by USAID through being 1 of 5 global Digi Awards! The Digi Awards recognize and celebrate USAID projects and activities that embrace the Agency’s strategic goals of improving development and humanitarian assistance outcomes through the use of digital technology and strengthening open, secure, and inclusive digital ecosystems.
OPHID was the ONLY African implementing partner Awarded!!! Check out the other awards OPHID has received for its evidence generation, innovations, organizational culture and practices!