
OPHID’s Evidence to Action Model seeks out productive research collaborations with academic institutions, health systems stakeholders and communities to co-produce pragmatic evidence based on real-world implementation.

Browse publications we have co-produced by research collaboration:


Yildirim M, Webb KA, Ciaranello AL, Amick AK, Mushavi A, Chimwaza A, Claypool A, Murape T, McCann NC, Flanagan CF, Jalali MS. Increasing the initiation of antiretroviral therapy through optimal placement of diagnostic technologies for pediatric HIV in Zimbabwe: A modeling analysis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2023 Sep 1;134:31-8. 

Mallampati, D., MacLean, R. L., Shapiro, R., Dabis, F., Engelsmann, B., Freedberg, K. A., Leroy, V., Lockman, S., Walensky, R., Rollins, N., & Ciaranello, A. (2018). Optimal breastfeeding durations for HIV-exposed infants: the impact of maternal ART use, infant mortality and replacement feeding risk. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21(4), e25107. 

Ciaranello, A. L., Leroy, V., Rusibamayila, A., Freedberg, K. A., Shapiro, R., Engelsmann, B., Lockman, S., Kelly, K. A., Dabis, F., & Walensky, R. P. (2014). Individualizing the WHO HIV and infant feeding guidelines: optimal breastfeeding duration to maximize infant HIV-free survival. AIDS (London, England), 28 Suppl 3(0 3), S287–S299. 

Ciaranello AL, Perez F, Engelsmann B, Walensky RP, Mushavi A, Rusibamayila A, Keatinge J, Park JE, Maruva M, Cerda R, Wood R. Cost-effectiveness of World Health Organization 2010 guidelines for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Zimbabwe. Clinical infectious diseases. 2013 Feb 1;56(3):430-46. 

Ciaranello AL, Perez F, Keatinge J, Park JE, Engelsmann B, Maruva M, Walensky RP, Dabis F, Chu J, Rusibamayila A, Mushavi A. What will it take to eliminate pediatric HIV? Reaching WHO target rates of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Zimbabwe: a model-based analysis. PLoS medicine. 2012 Jan 10;9(1):e1001156. 

Ciaranello AL, Perez F, Maruva M, Chu J, Engelsmann B, Keatinge J, Walensky RP, Mushavi A, Mugwagwa R, Dabis F, Freedberg KA. WHO 2010 guidelines for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Zimbabwe: modeling clinical outcomes in infants and mothers. PloS one. 2011 Jun 2;6(6):e20224. 


Comrie-Thomson, L., Webb, K., Patel, D., Wata, P., Kapamurandu, Z., Mushavi, A., Nicholas, M. A., Agius, P. A., Davis, J., & Luchters, S. (2022). Engaging women and men in the gender-synchronised, community-based Mbereko+Men intervention to improve maternal mental health and perinatal care-seeking in Manicaland, Zimbabwe: A cluster-randomised controlled pragmatic trial. Journal of global health, 12, 04042. 


Mackworth-Young CRS, Charashika P, Chiringwaringwa E, Kaseke T, Manja L, Mapuranga K, Sibanda J, Siziba K, Larsson L, Wilding-Davies O, Simpson N, Kydd A, Chinyanga TT, Ferrand RA, Mangombe A, Webb KA , Doyle AM. Digital intervention to improve health services for young people in Zimbabwe: process evaluation of ‘Zvatinoda’ (what we want) using the RE-AIM framework. JMIR Formative. 2024 (in press).


Taruvinga, T., Chingono RS., Olaru, IO., Masiye K., Madanhire C., Munhenzva S., Sibanda S., Mafuva L., O’Sullivan N., Osman AY., Deane K., Brandson T., Munyanyi M.,  Makoni AC.,  Ngwenya S., Webb KA., Chinyanga TT., Ferrand RA., Dixon JD., Kranzer K., McCoy D. Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its control measures on women and children: A Zimbabwe case study. Under review


Webb, K. A., Mavhu, W., Langhaug, L., Chitiyo, V., Matyanga, P., Charashika, P., Patel, D., Prost, A., Ferrand, R. A., Bernays, S., Cislaghi, B., & Neuman, M. (2021). ‘I was trying to get there, but I couldn’t’: social norms, vulnerability and lived experiences of home delivery in Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe. Health policy and planning, 36(9), 1441–1450. 

Webb, K., Chitiyo, V., Mahachi, N., Huruva Mukungunugwa, S., Mushavi, A., Zizhou, S., Engelsmann, B., Abbas Ferrand, R., Neuman, M., Hartogensis, W., & Geng, E. (2020). Brief Report: Improving Early Infant Diagnosis Observations: Estimates of Timely HIV Testing and Mortality Among HIV-Exposed Infants. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 83(3), 235–239. 

Sibanda, E. L., Webb, K., Fahey, C. A., Kang Dufour, M. S., McCoy, S. I., Watadzaushe, C., Dirawo, J., Deda, M., Chimwaza, A., Taramusi, I., Mushavi, A., Mukungunugwa, S., Padian, N., & Cowan, F. M. (2020). Use of data from various sources to evaluate and improve the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme in Zimbabwe: a data integration exercise. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), e25524. 

UNICEF-supported programs:

Patel, D., Matyanga, P., Nyamundaya, T., Chimedza, D., Webb, K., & Engelsmann, B. (2012). Facilitating HIV testing, care and treatment for orphans and vulnerable children aged five years and younger through community-based early childhood development playcentres in rural Zimbabwe. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 15 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), 17404. 


Mugore, L., Engelsmann, B., Ndoro, T., Dabis, F., & Perez, F. (2008). An assessment of the understanding of the offer of routine HIV testing among pregnant women in rural Zimbabwe. AIDS care20(6), 660–666. 

Perez, F., Aung, K. D., Ndoro, T., Engelsmann, B., & Dabis, F. (2008). Participation of traditional birth attendants in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services in two rural districts in Zimbabwe: a feasibility study. BMC public health, 8, 401. 

Orne-Gliemann, J., Mukotekwa, T., Perez, F., Miller, A., Sakarovitch, C., Glenshaw, M., Engelsmann, B., & Dabis, F. (2006). Improved knowledge and practices among end-users of mother-to-child transmission of HIV prevention services in rural Zimbabwe. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH, 11(3), 341–349. 

Perez, F., Zvandaziva, C., Engelsmann, B., & Dabis, F. (2006). Acceptability of routine HIV testing (“opt-out”) in antenatal services in two rural districts of Zimbabwe. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 41(4), 514–520. 

To improve the generation of research evidence within existing programs, OPHID routinely collaborates with research institutions to embed implementation and operational research within its ongoing programs.  Below is a selection of published articles from OPHID academic collaborations that have produced evidence in OPHID-supported implementation areas.


Dringus, S., Davis, K., Simms, V., Bernays, S., Redzo, N., Bandason, T., Chikodzore, R., Sibanda, E., Webb, K., Ncube, G., Kranzer, K., Ferrand, R. A., & Dziva Chikwari, C. (2023). Delivery of index-linked HIV testing for children: learnings from a qualitative process evaluation of the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. BMC infectious diseases, 23(1), 262. 

Dziva Chikwari, C., Simms, V., Kranzer, K., Dringus, S., Chikodzore, R., Sibanda, E., Webb, K., Redzo, N., Mujuru, H., Apollo, T., Ncube, G., Hatzold, K., Bernays, S., Weiss, H. A., & Ferrand, R. A. (2021). Feasibility and Accuracy of HIV Testing of Children by Caregivers Using Oral Mucosal Transudate HIV Tests. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)87(2), 781–788. 

Dziva Chikwari, C., Bernays, S., Dringus, S., Simms, V., Weiss, H. A., Sibanda, E., Kranzer, K., Ncube, G., Chikodzore, R., Webb, K., Chirimambowa, T., Sithole, K., Ndondo, N., Apollo, T., Mutseta, M., & Ferrand, R. A. (2020). Addressing the challenges and relational aspects of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents: insights from the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. Implementation science communications, 1(1), 99. 

Dziva Chikwari, C., Simms, V., Dringus, S., Kranzer, K., Bandason, T., Vasantharoopan, A., Chikodzore, R., Sibanda, E., Mutseta, M., Webb, K., Engelsmann, B., Ncube, G., Mujuru, H., Apollo, T., Weiss, H. A., & Ferrand, R. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health facility-based and community-based index-linked HIV testing strategies for children: protocol for the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. BMJ open, 9(7), e029428. 

University California Berkeley/CeSHHAR

Nance, N., Pendo, P., Masanja, J., Ngilangwa, D. P., Webb, K., Noronha, R., & McCoy, S. I. (2017). Short-term effectiveness of a community health worker intervention for HIV-infected pregnant women in Tanzania to improve treatment adherence and retention in care: A cluster-randomized trial. PloS one, 12(8), e0181919. 

McCoy, S. I., Buzdugan, R., Padian, N. S., Musarandega, R., Engelsmann, B., Martz, T. E., Mushavi, A., Mahomva, A., & Cowan, F. M. (2015). Implementation and Operational Research: Uptake of Services and Behaviors in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Cascade in Zimbabwe. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 69(2), e74–e81. 

Buzdugan, R., McCoy, S. I., Webb, K., Mushavi, A., Mahomva, A., Padian, N. S., & Cowan, F. M. (2015). Facility-based delivery in the context of Zimbabwe’s HIV epidemic–missed opportunities for improving engagement with care: a community-based serosurvey. BMC pregnancy and childbirth15, 338.