Conference Presentations

OPHID is passionate about embedding program and implementation science into our work, and widely disseminating our pragmatic Evidence for Action at community, district, provincial, national and international meetings and conferences!

OPHID has presented over 100 accepted abstracts at local, regional and international scientific conferences.  

These including the Zimbabwe National AIDS Council Research Symposium, the National Tuberculosis Program Research Day, Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe Research Day,  International Conference on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research (INTEREST), International AIDS Society and International AIDS Conferences  (IAS and AIDS), International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, International HIV & Adolescence and HIV Pediatrics Workshops, among others.

In the past 5 years alone, we have presented over 60 accepted abstracts including:

  • 47 poster presentations
  • 14 oral abstract presentations
  • 11 awards for best abstract at major local and international scientific conferences

We don’t stop there. We ensure all of our evidence is effectively translated into program action.

Embedded within real-world program context in a limited resource setting – we rapidly disseminate the evidence we produce to inform program remediation and evidence-innovations with potential to scale.  

Tens of OPHID innovations, tools and systems have not just being brought to scale in our programs, but being adopted and adapted by the Ministry of Health and Child Care into national policy and practice as standard of care for all Zimbabweans.