Tongogara Refugee Camp

Protection Response and Assistance to Refugees & Asylum Seekers in Zimbabwe

Tongogara Refugee Settlement (TRS), located in Chipinge District of Zimbabwe, is a refugee camp in eastern Zimbabwe which is home to over 16,000 Persons of Concern (POCs) from various countries across Africa, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. The clinic is a high-volume facility offering of a comprehensive package of primary health care services for Persons of Concern and the host community. Further and integrated part of the clinic is the 2022 established the TRS Wellness Centre, aptly named the ‘Baobab House’ by the POCs as a symbol of resilience, addresses these issues. It offers mental health screening, psychosocial support, and a range of recreational activities. As a vital hub for community participation and empowerment, the Baobab House provides services such as mental health screening, psychosocial support, clubs, and games. This centre has become a sanctuary for refugees, fostering a sense of belonging and providing activities that help mitigate loneliness, anxiety, depression, and stress. The wellness centre’s approach is deeply rooted in community engagement, actively involving leaders and members of all ages and genders, thereby reinforcing its role as an integral part of the community’s fabric. The services of clinic and health centre include:

Maternal and Child Health Services

Our facility aims to provide a comprehensive package of care for mothers and children that includes prenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) care, ensuring both mothers and their babies have the best start. This includes regular health check-ups, nutritional support, and immunizations to protect against diseases.

Curative and Rehabilitative Care

Our clinic offers treatment for various illnesses and injuries, a longside rehabilitative services to help patients recover their strength, mobility, and health after serious illnesses or injuries, ensuring a return to normal life.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses

We aim to significantly reduce death, illness, and disability among children by providing a comprehensive approach to child health and addressing the major causes of childhood morbidity and mortality through prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies.

Mental Health Screening and Psychosocial Support

Understanding the critical role of mental health in overall well-being, our clinic offers mental health screenings to identify those in need of support early. We also provide psychosocial support to help individuals cope with stress, depression, and other mental health issues.

Modern Methods of Contraception

To empower individuals and couples to plan their families, we offer a variety of modern contraceptive methods, including injectables, ensuring access to safe and effective family planning options.

First-Line Support for Survivors of Sexual and Gender-based Violence

Our clinic provides immediate support and treatment for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, ensuring that they are safe and provided with psychosocial support while safeguarding their dignity and rights.

HIV Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

The facility offers comprehensive HIV services, including testing, prevention strategies like oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection, and ongoing care and treatment for those living with HIV, ensuring they lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Screening and Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Our clinic provides confidential screening and effective treatment for sexually transmitted infections, helping to prevent serious health consequences and the spread of STIs within the community.

TB Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health issue. We offer screening, timely diagnosis, and effective treatment for TB, aiming to reduce its impact on individuals and the community.

Key Achievements, in 6 months (Jan-June 2024)

  • We serve an average of 2400 Protection of Persons (PoCs) of Concern are provided health services in Outpatients Department every month (14,364 in the first 6 months)
  • Health are workers at the refugee camp health facility have been on Cervical Cancer Screening using the Screen-Triage-Treat approach, with115 women screened to date.
  • Supported 109 PoCs with transfers to Tertiary/Quaternary level health institutions for Specialist care.
  • 329 women have received family planning services including oral contraceptives, implants and injectables.
  • 4,675 children aged 0-59 months were reached with Growth Monitoring.