What we do

OPHID responds to existing and emergent public health and development threats. Our innovations, evidence and programs have demonstrated impact. We focus on improving universal health coverage and equitable access to health among the most vulnerable.

Individuals and households are at the heart of everything we do.

For over 20 years, our flagship large-scale programs have improved sexual and reproductive health, HIV, TB and maternal and child health outcomes for millions of people. 

We develop, test and scale evidence-based models, for equitable access to improved standard of care in communities we serve.  But we don’t stop there. We actively disseminate our evidence and ensure translation of what works into national and international policies and programs.

We co-design each of our programs together with the individuals, families and frontline workers so that they are contextually relevant and reach the most vulnerable.

In addition to our programs at scale we have successfully implemented incubator programs and developed social innovations in the following areas:

  • Health systems strengthening (building of maternity waiting homes and rural health outposts, infrastructural improvements of hospitals and clinics, data and clinical care systems)
  • Climate change
  • Mental health for patients and healthcare workers
  • Mental health for patients and healthcare workers
  • Non-communicable diseases (diabetes, hypertension)
  • Cervical cancer
  • Capacity building of local community service organisations
  • Menopause and healthy aging
  • Social protection
  • Cost-effectiveness evaluations
  • Geospatial modelling and location optimisation of health services
  • Design and deployment of digital applications and knowledge products
  • Mobile, migrant and refugee populations
  • COVID-19
  • Women’s empowerment and livelihoods (income generation, savings and lending) support